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Middle School 419 is the Home of the BRAVE Tigers. Our vision is to cultivate a community that amplifies each individual’s strengths, multilingualism, and fosters a love for learning that is culturally relevant.


By the time students graduate, they will have developed a strong sense of self, voice, and identity; have the tools to act socially and emotionally intelligent; embrace their multilingualism; be conscious of their impact on the world; and engage responsibly in a global society. We promote intellectual curiosity and empower civic-oriented learners to achieve their full potential. 



The members of the M.S. 419 community are a dynamic team of educators that believe innovation, creativity, multilingualism and research-based practices can transform education. Our students and faculty are socially, emotionally, academically intelligent, and conscious of their impact on their communities. We are committed to maximizing the middle school experience by giving students opportunities to explore their full capacity by remaining adaptive to technological advancements and empowering diversity to become global leaders. 

We aim to achieve this by:

  • Providing rigorous data-driven, research-based curriculum that is inclusive,  multiliterate, and culturally responsive with differentiated entry points;

  • Designing opportunities for students to engage with civics, STEM, computer science, environmental studies, financial literacy, digital media, and the arts;

  • Equipping students with tools and strategies that enable them to be socially emotionally intelligent &  conscious of their impact on the world;

  • Partnering with families, organizations, and cultural institutions to enhance student achievement; 

  • Developing teacher pedagogy by providing relevant, meaningful professional development utilizing analysis of data trends to make informed decisions; 

  • Remaining adaptive to the needs of our community, students, and demands of technological advancements;

  • Establishing a sense of comradery  amongst all stakeholders to drive the vision & mission of the school community as a whole. 


  • Tigers are known for their tenacity, independence, and unique pattern of stripes.

  • These characteristics represent the middle school age group and their developmental stage. 

  • As teenagers, they are learning more about their individuality, becoming more independent, and honing the tenacity to overcome the challenges of adolescence as they prepare for adulthood.

  • No two tigers have the same stripes and at M.S. 419 we celebrate our diversity.  

  • Our logo features the iconic Unisphere, which represents our borough’s capacity for global innovation and achievement.



Buscamos generar confianza en cada relación. Una comunidad inclusiva y enriquecedora donde las personas confían entre sí aportando su propia singularidad para el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo académico a través de la colaboración, el apoyo socioemocional y la responsabilidad; lo que conduce al éxito de todos.


Ambos somos honestos e impulsados por una m clara.compás oral. Aprendemos de los errores, celebramos el éxito y fomentamos la resiliencia. Nos ayudamos unos a otros a convertirnos en las personas que queremos ser.


 Tenemos mentalidad de crecimiento. Siempre creemos que podemos mejorar y trabajamos cada día para aprender algo nuevo. Para tener éxito, todos los individuos mantendrán altas expectativas para ellos mismos y para los demás en nuestra comunidad.


Tenemos la capacidad de identificar y comprender los sentimientos de otra persona. Mantenemos espacios seguros para que las personas se expresen a sí mismas y sus orígenes con respeto. Buscamos intencionalmente muchas perspectivas diferentes en nuestra comunidad y planes de estudio.


Respetamos el derecho de los demás a la seguridad y la dignidad. Seremos civilizados y corteses a través de nuestras palabras y acciones. Creamos y celebramos intencionalmente nuestra comunidad diversa. Encontramos puntos en común en nuestras diferencias.

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