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Welcome to our TIGER Community

School Policies & Procedures

M.S. 419 is committed to partnering with community organizations and families in order to provide a safe, inclusive, culturally-responsive, and supportive environment for all stakeholders to be invested in the success of our students.  With a family oriented approach, we will work together to remove barriers, provide opportunities, and enhance the middle school experience for future generations to come. Together we will collaborate on decision making through open and meaningful dialogue to ensure we’re co-creators in the evolution of our school.  In order to ensure a successful exchange of information, it is important that all parties follow a few key principles.


NYCDOE MySchools Account

NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is a DOE application that lets you access important information about your child on any device such as:

  • Your child’s grades

  • Report cards

  • Attendance history

  • Test scores

  • Transportation information

  • IEP information

  • Submit COVID consent forms

  • Track your child’s progress to graduation

How to Access Your DOE Student Account

How to Access Your DOE Student Account

تشغيل الفيديو
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In accordance with Chancellor's Regulation A-701, all students entering DOE public schools for the first time, from kindergarten through grade 12, must submit a New Admission Examination form (CH-205)–completed by a health care provider– to their school nurse. 

Any students needing to take medications or receive any medical treatments must have a Medication Administration Form (MAF) and/or Medically Prescribed Treatment Form that must be submitted every year. 

Immunization Requirements


Students must arrive to school on time each day. When they are chronically late, they miss out on instructional time and that impacts their learning. Excessive lateness is documented through the I-Log DOE system and it may warrant a meeting at the school or a visit from the Attendance Teacher.

If your child is absent from school, please send in a note and/or email your child's teacher(s)/ school explaining the absence. If it is an absence of more than three days, a doctor’s note is recommended.  If a child is excessively absent without explanation, their academic success is jeopardized and further action may take place. When a student is absent, they are responsible for all work they missed. As a middle school student, we expect students to take responsibility for their learning.  Please be sure to review these systems with your child and their teacher(s). 


The Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT): ​

Call (718) 392 - 8855 or visit

For Transportation Eligibility visit here.

School Calendar

Check out the new 2023/2024 school calendar to see important dates to look out for!

Respect For All

It is the policy of the Department to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from harassment, intimidation and/or bullying and from discrimination on account of actual or perceived race, color, citizenship/immigration status, religion, creed, national origin, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or weight. The policy prohibits such behavior by students against other students and by staff against students.

See more here.

  • Communication channels include:  Face-to-face communication – one-on-one meetings, School Council meetings, Parent-Student Teacher conferences, Student-led Conferences, Student Council Meetings, Faculty Committees, Translated Telephone conversations, Translated Hard copy, written communication – letters sent home from the school, paper school newsletters, and monthly calendar.  Electronic communication – email, electronic newsletters, websites, social media.

    • Social media platforms may work well for:  Sharing snippets of good news stories and celebrations, Sending reminders of key dates, Providing links to more detailed information or sharing resources. Please follow us on twitter.

    • A calendar will be sent home prior to the first day of each month outlining events that are taking place in the school. School notices are sent home via back pack. Please check-in with your child daily and return all forms promptly. The School Messenger phone system is used for announcements.  MS 419's  website will also feature a lot of information for you to keep up to date. 

  • Addressing Concerns Directly: If parents/guardians have a concern about something at school or in the classroom, they are encouraged to bring the concern forward in a timely manner directly to the appropriate person by using the proper chain of communication protocol. The communication protocol helps to promote direct, open, and respectful interactions so that problems and concerns can be resolved quickly and effectively. Communication should begin with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person will usually have the most information. At times, additional personnel are required to resolve specific situations.

1. Discuss the concern with the classroom teacher to determine if the issue can be resolved at the classroom level. 

2. If this issue cannot be resolved at the classroom level, bring it forward for discussion with the principal.

3. All requests for scheduling a meeting with the principal should be directed to their secretary. 

  • Confidentiality: In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), please recognize that confidentiality may limit information that can be shared from school to parents, including consequences for other students’ behaviors.

  • Time to Respond to Communications: Teachers will make every effort to respond as soon as possible to parent communications, with the understanding that the teaching day sometimes precludes immediate responses. Teachers and staff may need some time to collect needed information before responding. Please give us a minimum of 24 hours to respond. 

  • Equitable Family Engagement Opportunities: We will host engagement opportunities during the morning, evening and organize school functions that realistically reflect the schedules and cultures of families, and offer other structures to listen to families.

Communication Protocols

Middle School 419Q at The Tommie L. Agee Educational Campus
111-10 Astoria Blvd, Queens, NY 11369
Phone: (332) 262-2861
Fax: (332) 262-2862
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