School Hours for Students
Students are expected to arrive on time daily and follow their program with fidelity. Attendance & Lateness' are monitored closely. When a student is absent, it is expected that documentation is provided by the legal guardian via letter sent to school and/or email.
When school is session, we will follow the following schedule:
FREE Breakfast in the cafeteria will be available daily, Monday - Friday 8am - 8:25am.
Students are dismissed every day by 2:50 pm. Unless the school is notified, middle school students are dismissed independently and are expected to walk home alone. Please review transportation eligibility here. Parent or designee must arrive on time to pick up their child each day if you do not want your child walking home alone. Children who have not been picked up on time are escorted to the lobby area near the main entrance. Parents must enter the building via the main entrance and are required to sign their child out in the “late book” as parent lateness is recorded. In the case of an emergency, please call the main office to explain your lateness and we will be happy to work with you and your child.