Welcome to the Parent Teacher Association page!
Becoming active in the PA provides additional opportunities for parents and guardians to be informed and become involved in the school community and in your child’s educational progress and successes. Monthly PA meetings will be pre-scheduled for the entire year, announced via letters, school messaging application, and school website. Meetings will be scheduled on a monthly basis. Parent attendance at these meetings is very important because school information is shared. Throughout the year, the PA will host many events in order to build community relations and raise funds for our school and our students. All parents are encouraged to take part in these events and become part of the various PA committees & sub-committees that will be made available throughout the year.
Upcoming PTA Meeting Dates
수요일, 오후 6시
2022년 12월 14일
2022년 1월 18일
2022년 2월 15일
2022년 3월 15일
2022년 4월 19일
2022년 5월 17일
2022년 6월 14일
PTA Recordings
Here you will find the video recordings for the previous PTA Meetings.
November 17, 2022
Title 1 and PTA Meeting Recordings

2022년 10월 27일 PTA 회의 녹화